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March 2015
Posted On: Apr 22, 2015

17 March 2015

President Michael Dunn called the March monthly meeting to order 1737hrs.

Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

The previous month's meeting minutes were dismissed- Platek, 2nd Connelly, unanimous.

Officers and Committees:

Grievance Committee: Holiday pay only one

Safety Committee:

United Way:

Pension: Only thing on docket is getting DeMartino his contributions back. Looking to get Jane Sturbeck (?) to help guys with pensions on the side. Said she will get back to us.

Awards Ceremony:


T-Shirt World: Bocchetta will be heading it. Brandon and Laslett will be helping out of HQ.

Worker's Comp:

Social Committee: Suggestion for date (August29-September 19 Saturdays). Email Stacoffe.

St. Patrick's Day: Float- Friday at 7s at 7pm. Parade Saturday 1pm at Wasson

Retirement Diner:

Easter Egg Hunt: Saturday, April 4th, 12-2. Flyers will be posted at stations.

Golf:  Flyers/flags going around to sell. Everything on schedule.

President's Report:

Pension contract has been signed. Increases should be reflected in next week's checks.

Met with chief to discuss desire to change upstairs job descriptions to improve efficiency and function of administration. Will be discussed in the near future.

Court with AMR regarding transport for EMS care. Cases will be presented regarding PSAs for ALS, BLS and transport.

Chief says department-wise everything is running well. Locution system will take a while to get up and running due to wiring and logistics.

Discussed issues of no maintenance being done. Ron will not be back until April or May. Supplies re-organized downstairs. Re-stock day will coincide with Tuesday Staff meetings so everyone can get what they need without shorting any other stations. Don't use department dumpsters to dump HAZMAT materials or sheetrock.

Parade is Saturday, NO UNIFORMS AT THE BARS. Please be cognizant of public around.

Race starts at 10am. Volunteers needed.

Communications and Bills


Unfinished Business


Good & Welfare

Maurutis back

Tummins out- PT & MRI

Academy recruits doing well; Rob George still on light duty

Parade Saturday- pre-party at Holveck's for his last year starting at 10am.

Race has 8 runner spots for union members- 5 left. let Geno or Ronnie know tonight.

Treasurer's Report


New Business

Stratford looking for flag sponsor for golf ($50 for a flag). June 8th. Motion to donate matching donation to our tournament- Halprin, Rose, Unanimous.

Bring awards ceremony to commissioners to get it running again. Has been done, committees have been organized in the past, but the union does not have accountability for each incident. If it comes back around we will cooperate and assist however we can.

Working contract up next year, letter to open comes in January. Board trying to work with Chief Edo on departmental issues prior to open negotiations so City negotiations only need to address wages and benefits.

Motion to adjourn: Stacoffe

2nd: Buda


Respectfully Submitted,

Michael Geanacopoulos, Secretary

55 Wheelers Farm Rd
Milford, CT 06461

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